Our Mission

Promote the connectivity and the international opening of the Markets, through post-trade platforms based on the best technologies available, with the maximum reliability and efficiency.

We are the leading entity in Portugal in post-trade services, offering integrated and flexible solutions at European level, operating as Custody and Settlement Central Securities Depository (CSD), belonging to the EURONEXT Group CSDs network – Euronext Securities and being compliant with:

  • CSD Regulation (CSDR);
  • The Portuguese Legislation on Capital Markets;
  • The rules of the Portuguese Securities Market Commission (CMVM).

We use the most stringent international service and security standards and were one of the first CSDs to join the European settlement platform TARGET2-Securities and to obtain authorization to operate as a CSD in the context of CSDR.

We offer a wide set of Services, namely Custody and Settlement to a broad Customer base.