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INTERBOLSA Price List – Amendment

Due to the migration to T2S some of the services currently provided by INTERBOLSA to its customers, was changed, and, therefore, the currently charged fees will be adjusted.

INTERBOLSA analysed all the possible solutions regarding its price list, in this new regulatory framework, and decided to maintain in force the current structure of the price list. Therefore the price list has suffered small changes in order to allow for the migration to T2S.

The amendments relate mainly to the settlement services provided by INTERBOLSA to its participants through the T2S platform, taking into account the type of instructions that can be settled through that platform, in particular, OTC instructions, market instructions, maintenance instructions, settlement restrictions, …).

These amendments to INTERBOLSA’s Price List (INTERBOLSA’s Regulation no. 3/2016), come into force in March 25th, 2016 and can be consulted in the “Legislation and Regulation” area of this Portal.